Brigantia Learning Trust is the admissions authority for Hinde House Academy
Applications for places at the Academy will be made in accordance with Sheffield Local Authority's coordinated admission arrangements and will be made on the Common Application Form and administered by the applicant's home Local Authority.
Hinde House Academy participates in the Local Authority’s Co-ordinated Admission Scheme for in-year admissions. If a parent of a child on our roll wishes to apply for a transfer to another school, they must obtain a transfer form from the school for completion of Section 2. The application must then be sent to the Local Authority which will process the application on the parent’s behalf. The Local Authority will confirm the outcome of the application in writing within 15 school days. If the application is refused, the Local Authority will advise on the statutory appeal procedure. Details of the Co-ordinated Admission Scheme and how in-year applications are managed can be seen at
Our feeder schools are listed below, however we welcome applications from all areas.
- Hinde House Primary School
- Concord Junior School
- Limpsfield Junior School
- Tinsley Meadows Junior School
- Phillimore Community Primary School
Nursery Provision is currently morning or afternoon sessions Monday to Friday
- First Steps 8.30-11.30am OR 12.15-3.15pm
- Foundation 1 8.25-11.25am OR 12.10-3.10pm
Our main intake times are September and January
FIRST STEPS (Nursery for 2 year old children)
Telephone the office or call in to school and ask for a Nursery application form. This takes basic details which will put your child on our waiting list. We will also use your information for our mailing list which will keep you informed about events in school. Our waiting list is organised in Date of Birth order and once your child is eligible we contact parents to offer a place. You then decide if you wish to accept the place or stay on the waiting list.
Not all children qualify for funding for 2 year old education. To find out if you do, you can either apply online at Free education and childcare for 2 year olds ( or ask us to do this for you by completing a form at the same time as you submit your application.
Once a place has been accepted and the funding agreed, we will then arrange for Nursery staff to do a home visit to meet your child in a familiar environment and taster sessions to help your child settle into their new routine.
If our sessions are not up to capacity, we may be in a position to offer a place to parents who wish to pay for this early years provision. Please indicate if you would be interested in this facility on your application form. The current charge is £15 per session though this is subject to change in line with Government funding policy.
FOUNDATION STAGE 1 (Nursery for 3 & 4 year old children)
As above, please complete an application form to put your child on our waiting list which again is organised by Date of Birth. All children are entitled to 15 hours nursery education per week commencing the term after their third birthday. Once children move up the waiting list and are eligible, we will contact parents to offer a place. If a child is already in our First Steps provision we will automatically move them up into Foundation Stage 1 at the appropriate time.
Once a place has been accepted, parent meetings and taster sessions will be arranged to help your child settle into the new class.
30 Hour Funding – we are able to offer 30 hours education for those parents who qualify. This is for working parents and you would need to apply via the website. Once you have been approved, please contact us to register your requirement for this provision. Because of the timings of the nursery sessions we make a small charge of £10 per week to cover the cost of lunchtime supervision (this is subject to change depending on staffing requirements). Children will need to bring a packed lunch to eat, or a school meal can be ordered at a cost of £2 per day.
Our nursery children DO NOT automatically get a place in school.
- Our school day is currently 8.50am – 3.10pm
- We offer a Breakfast Club facility from 8.00am where children are supervised doing activities or can purchase food for breakfast.
The local authority handle all applications for entry into school.
All children are encouraged to start Foundation 2 in the September before their 5th birthday. The local authority send out information to all families with eligible children THE YEAR BEFORE THEY WILL BE STARTING SCHOOL. Parents have a window of 3 months to submit their applications with up to 3 preferred school choices, this allows time for parents to visit schools and research provision to help with their decision. Information is usually sent out in the September with deadlines for online applications in December and written applications by 15 January. Parents are then notified of their allocated school in April.
Once parents have been informed, the school is sent a list of the allocated children and we begin our process of contacting parents to invite them in for information meetings, discussing plans for transition, etc. All details around school routines, staffing, school meals, uniform, start dates, etc are given out at these meetings. Any children attending other Nurseries will be visited by the teacher in their nursery provision prior to starting at Hinde House
Further information around admission into school can be found on the website with details about how to apply, waiting lists and appeals processes.
All applications for places in Year 3 (transition from Infant Schools), and for In-year transfers are processed by the local authority. Application forms are available online -, or from the child’s current school, or in the case of out of City transfers contact Sheffield Admissions Team on 0114 2735766. Once the school has been notified of a place being allocated, our admissions & attendance officer will contact parents to arrange an induction meeting and a visit to the school. If you wish to look around the school before deciding your first choice, we will be happy to arrange a visit, please contact us on 0114 2426874 or