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Hinde House

Careers - Parent Carer Information


“80.75% of students say their parents help them to make key careers decisions“


At Hinde House Academy we want your child to be successful. Your child embarks on their career journey from Y7, they make their option choices in Year 9, Work Experience in Year 10 and Post-16 options in Year 11. 

Parents and carers are significant in helping their child make career choices and there are many ways that you can help: 

  • Discuss future career ideas and encourage them to explore all available options enabling them to make their own choices 
  • Encourage your child to take full advantage of the resources available at school 
  • Attend Careers/Post-16 events 
  • Motivate your child to develop their skills through education, hobbies, interests, work experience 

There are many websites which provide guidance and information. Please see some below.

Education Options

Higher Education


Sheffield 6th Forms

Sheffield Colleges

Sheffield Training Providers


Types of Jobs



National Careers Service



There are a variety of educational routes available to students post 16.

Sheffield Specialist Providers


Labour Market Information

Where do people in Sheffield work?Sources of Labour Market informationSY ShapeYourFuture booklet


For any further information about our careers programme, please contact the Careers Leader at the school:

Mr N Ullah


Tel: 0114 243 8486