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Hinde House

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organiser


What are Knowledge Organiser books?

At the beginning of each academic year, every student across Hinde House Secondary is provided with a knowledge organiser book containing a summary of all the key content from across the year and across all subjects.

These knowledge organiser books have been written bespoke by leaders across Brigantia Trust and are aligned specifically to our curriculum. The books include keyword definitions, key texts, quotes, big ideas, equations, visual aids and worked examples to consolidate the learning taking place in lesson. 


Each page of knowledge in the books is followed by a page of questions to facilitate self or paired quizzing.

View the Knowledge Organiser Books here


How will the Knowledge Organiser book be used?

Knowledge Organisers are an integral part of the learning journey at Hinde House academy and will be used daily in lessons to facilitate:

  • Retrieval starters- every lesson at Hinde House starts with quizzing of prior learning. Questions are displayed on interactive white boards as students enter and it is the expectation that all students settle quickly into completing these. In doing so pupils will develop their retrieval skills and embed knowledge into their long-term memory. Knowledge organiser will help them to complete retrieval starters and page numbers will often be referenced in the questions.
  • Self-assessment- student autonomy and self-reflection is encouraged through the use of self-assessment. Knowledge organiser books allow students to check the accuracy of their work against the key concepts summarised in the book. This acts as a powerful improvement tool.
  • Scaffolding- The knowledge organiser can be used as additional support providing definitions of key words and visuals of key concepts. Students can reference it during lesson to help build confidence.

Knowledge Organisers will also be taken home daily to allow the completion of homework (see homework strategy below)


Knowledge Organiser Book Expectations

It is the expectation that Hinde House Secondary students have their knowledge organisers with them to use in all lessons and these are then taken home daily to complete home learning.

Students are expected to:

  • Bring their Knowledge Organiser into school every day in their school bag and have it with them for use in each lesson.
  • Bring their Knowledge Organiser home every day in their school bag to allow homework to be completed.
  • Ensure that their Knowledge Organiser is always in good condition, without any rips, doodling, missing pages or other damage (whether intentional or through carelessness)


Consequences for failing to follow expectations

If students fail to follow the above expectations, the following penalties may be imposed: Detentions Missed social time Conversations/ meetings with parents Time in the Reflection Room


How can parents support?

As parents/carers, we ask you to support by:

  • Making sure your child has a bag to carry their knowledge organiser to school
  • Reminding your child to complete their knowledge organiser homework tasks
  • Reminding your child to take their knowledge organiser in to school each day
  • Supporting your child by asking them quiz questions from the knowledge organiser book
  • Supporting your child by asking them to explain what they have learnt to you


The use of supplementary online learning programmes 

Where appropriate, students will be provided access to online learning programmes including Hegarty Maths, Educake Science, Seneca Learning and GCSE Pod. These platforms will support further learning beyond the lesson and help to reinforce understanding of the key content of the knowledge organiser

