Lunchtime Arrangements
Primary Phase
We have attached copies of our menus which run on a three week rota, see also the dates information.
- Children can bring a packed lunch or eat in the Dining Room.
- A school meal deal (hot or cold) can be bought at an average cost of £2.24 a day.
- 'Grab Bags' can be ordered in advance during morning break.
What is Healthy Start?
With Healthy Start, you get free vouchers every week to spend on milk, plain fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables, and infant formula milk. You can also get free vitamins.More here
Secondary Phase
All children in Year 7-11 are not allowed to leave the school site at lunchtime unless we receive a specific request from a parent/carer and a lunchtime pass is issued.
A range of hot and cold food and sandwiches is available to purchase in the dining hall.
The till system is cashless and payment can only be made using ParentPay credit
There is a three week rotating menu for lunches in secondary provided by Chartwells
Menu Spring 2024 (from Easter 2024)
Price List September 2024