Making a positive change
This term, we warmly welcomed Katie Taylor from the Humanutopia Heroes Foundation, an organisation created to emphasise the importance of volunteering, whilst supporting and enhancing journeys into employability and life skill development. The Foundation aims to challenge young people to make a difference and create positive change within their educational community.
Katie worked with Year 10 students to help develop their peer mentor skills; completing team-building activities and focusing on their communication skills, to support them in building strong relationships with younger students, as they mentor on subjects including confidence and mental wellbeing.
Some of the other outcomes our Year 10 students can expect include encouraging our students to think about how they can volunteer and make a difference in their community. In addition, they will develop a range of important life-skills which will increase their employability and life chances. We look forward to seeing how they settle into their new roles as peer mentors and how they flourish and grow.