Hinde House 2-16 School (Primary & Secondary) was inspected by Ofsted in September 2021 and was again graded as Good.
This represents a strong endorsement of our effectiveness as a school and academy trust.
You can view a full copy of the Ofsted Report at the bottom of this page, or on the Ofsted website here: https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/
Below are a selection of quotations from the report
‘Staff are dedicated to ensuring that pupils across all phases achieve their best academically’.
‘Pupils benefit from a dynamic and encouraging atmosphere’.
‘Pupils feel safe in school commenting to inspectors that bullying is rare’.
‘Pupils feel that staff treat them fairly’.
‘Leaders are determined that the education they provide enables all pupils to fulfil their potential’.
‘Children in early years make a good start’.
‘Leaders and teachers have high ambitions for all, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)’.
‘Special educational needs co-ordinators (SENcos) ensure that extra help is closely matched to the individual’s needs’.
‘Teachers and assistants provide the additional bespoke help in class for pupils who struggle’.
‘Leaders have also ensured that there is a strong programme for personal development’.
‘Across the school, staff manage pupils’ behaviour well, using agreed approached’.
‘Relationships between staff and pupils are very positive’.
‘The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. The team has strong expertise in safeguarding, as well as deep-rooted knowledge of the community that the school serves’.
For parents
Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your child’s school.